Vogue Spring Resort 2019 Analysis

Look 1

       Design Principles:

•       Emphasis- One design principle that is utilized in this garment is emphasis.  The eye is drawn to the embroidery on the collar and sleeves.

•       Balance- Another application of a design principle in this garment is balance.  There is symmetrical balance in shape, form and color.

      Design Elements:

•       Shape & Form- This garment has an A-Line Tea-Length Silhouette.

•       Texture- The garment has three different textures that add interest.  The black material of the garment appears to silky smooth dark black.  There are charcoal gray bands on the lower portion of the garment that appear to have a leather like texture.  Finally the rough texture of the embroidery.

      Color Theory:

•       This garment uses Achromatic colors.  Use of Achromatic colors suggests elegance and sophistication.

Alexander McQueen

Alexander McQueen

 Look 2

     Design Principles:

•       Unity- One design principle that is utilized in this garment is unity.  There is unity in color and lines (black, white & pink stripes) between the blouse and skirt.  Even the shoes and purse complement with black & white stripes and the socks with a pink stripe.

•       Rhythm- Another application of a design principle in this garment is rhythm.  There is a a repeated use of pink, white & black lines throughout the garment.

    Design Elements:

•       Lines- This garment uses vertical pink and white style lines on the blouse with a horizontal black style line from the belt.  The white, pink & black style line pattern repeats in the skirt.

•       Color- Repeated use of white, pink and black throughout the garment and accessories.

      Color Theory:

•       This garment uses mostly pink with white and black bands.  Pink (a secondary color) is a delicate color that means sweet, romantic and feminine.



Look 3

     Design Principles:

•       Rhythm- One design principle that is utilized in this garment is rhythm.  Repeated use of orange and the upside down V pattern from jacket to dress.

•       Emphasis- Another application of a design principle in this garment is emphasis.  The bright yellow band in the middle of the dress is the focal point.  The V-shaped neckline also draws your eye to this feature.

     Design Elements:

•       Line- Triangular (v-shaped) style lines dominate this garment.  The jacket opening creates a upside down V.  The V shape is repeated in the orange and yellow bands in the dress.  The dress is also hemmed in a V outline at the bottom.

•       Texture- The garment has two different textures that add interest.  The jacket has a soft wool texture while the dress has a smooth texture.  The orange print on the dress and yellow triangular band also create the appearance of different textures.

      Color Theory:

•       This garment uses Primary & Secondary colors.  It uses the complementary colors of orange and blue that are on opposite sides of the color wheel.  The main color used is orange which is warm, stimulating and enthusiastic.



Classic Sneaker Resurgence 2020